Made in the early 1880s. Entrance to a church with baroque architecture (it reminds us of the Santa Faz convent, but also to other porticos of 18th century Valencian architecture), enunciating the entire festive celebration of a family rural that leaves the temple after Christianizing its last offspring. The parents and grandparents, dressed in their Valencian holiday clothes surrounded by the children; priest and altar boys observing the rejoicing from the lintel of the church; Young men and girls equally adorned contemplate the scene, them from a cart, and they next to the perfectly harnessed horse. The Mediterranean coloring, completely illuminist and which will end up establishing itself as a differentiator of Valencian painting from the second half of the 19th century, is of a varied and lively chromaticism, and the characters are presented to us (essentially the children) in wonderful animation, alien, in their naturalness, to whoever might be portraying them.